How old do you have to be to play?
There is no minimum age requirement, however we recommend that players be at least 8 years old. All players must fill out the safety waiver located here.
How many people must we have in order to play?
There is no minimum number of people required to play. Our referees divide games so that the teams are as fair as possible.
How much does it cost?
Price per person will depend on a number of factors. For a detailed list of our prices click here.
What comes with the rental package?
All of our rental packages come with everything you need to play. A semi-automatic paintball gun, full face mask with anit-fog lens, chest protector, and paintballs!
How long can I play?
That depends on which admission package you choose. We offer a morning session (10am to 1pm), an afternoon session (2pm to 5pm), and an all day option (10am to 5pm).
What should I wear?
We recomend loose fitting clothing and tennis shoes. Our paintballs do not stain clothing.
When are you open?
Paintball games are played every Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm. Registraion opens at 9am both days. During the week the park is open by appointment only. Click here for more information about private parties.
Are you ever open during the week? Or on Holidays?
We are open during the week and on holidays by appointment only. Click here for more information about private parties.If you would like to schedule a private party, please send us an email, or give us a call. (239) 939-0911
How many people do we need to schedule a private party?
For private games during the week or at night the price is $700 and includes everything for 10 players and includes 5000 paintballs. Click here for more information about private parties.If you would like to schedule a private party, please send us an email, or give us a call. (239) 939-0911
Where are you located?
We are located at 3820 Veronica Shoemaker Blvd Between Winkler and Hanson.Click here for driving directions.
What if it rains?
Paintball games will continue to be played so long as there is no lightning in the immediate area. If it rains within 3 hours of your arrival, we will issue a free entry pass which is good for 30 days.
Does getting hit with a paintball hurt?
Paintballs do have the potential to leave a bruise. We are often told that the anticipation of being hit the first time is worse than the hit itself.
Do you fill Co2 tanks?
As of 12/1/14 we no longer fill Co2 tanks. The costs associated with doing so have slowly risen over the past few years and have reached a point where Co2 is no longer a feasible option for paintball. If you still use Co2 to power your paintball gun, it is time to make the switch to using Compressed Air.
Can I bring my own paintballs?
No, you are not allowed to bring in outside paintballs. All of the paintballs used at the park must be purchased on site within 180 days to ensure safe and fair play.